In this age of ever-increasing e-commerce, good old-fashioned post, (including cheque payment), still accounts for a large proportion of the response we receive. We are able to receive, sort, reconcile and process a variety of different response types, including:
Order forms
Coupon and pack offers
Customer payments (cheque and card)
Questionnaires and surveys
Banking services are also available.
Our team of experienced Data Entry operators are supported by our own, user-friendly and flexible system, designed to maximise key stroke productivity and accuracy. Integrated with the latest postal address software, we ensure that the address details we capture are 'mail ready' and fully compliant to Royal Mail standards.
Note that we can also work extensively with remotely-hosted, third-party systems, should there be a requirement to capture order, payment and customer 'CRM' data directly to an external, client-preferred, database solution.